Monday, June 16, 2014


"We know we can frustrate those around us by withdrawing but we hope you know we love you."

Ja, ik ben graag alleen. Ik ga graag op pad, alleen. En ja, ik kan ook genieten, alleen. Maar ik houd er ook van om met anderen samen te zijn. Met jou, met jullie.
De laatste tijd denk ik veel na, neem ik de tijd om veel na te denken, denk ik beter na. Ik kies de momenten waarop ik samen wil zijn, wanneer ik alleen wil zijn.
Ik kruip soms weg wanneer de deurbel gaat, wanneer de telefoon gaat. Ik verwacht nu toch niemand?
Hoe meer ik geleefd wordt, hoe minder ik leef.

Ben ik gek? Ben ik raar? Pas ik niet? Moet ik veranderen? Nee!
Ik moet mezelf erkennen zoals ik ben. Niet iets proberen te zijn omdat dat beter uit komt.

Ik ben een introvert in een extraverte wereld.
Vind ik dat moeilijk? Ja.
Kan het anders? Nee.
Lukt het me om mijn weg te vinden? Vaak wel... Ja!

Hieronder een aantal (een hele boel, sorry) quotes die je aan het denken kunnen zetten. De uitleg staat in de linkjes onderaan.
Herken je dingen, in jezelf, aan mij, aan anderen in je omgeving? Zie je wel, we zijn overal. En dat is prima zo.

The key thing you need to remember about introverts and extroverts is this: we just recharge in different ways.

Interruptions throw us off course, and we need to expend more energy to get back on track. 

The famous resting face which makes people think you’re not having fun. “What’s wrong?” is the most common example of the reaction to an introvert’s expression. Believe it or not, nothing’s actually wrong, it’s just the way our faces are hanging.

Introverts do enjoy having fun with people and we do like actually going out to places.The only difference is that we like to be in control of what’s going on. Going to the cinema? Give me at least a few hours notice so that I can mentally schedule some relaxation time with the TV in when I get home.

We don’t care about your birthday.We don’t need you to care about our birthday.

As a child I was called shy, a common misconception about introverts. I remember many times when I would run upstairs and hide when people came to our door. I didn’t want to interact with someone who wasn't in my immediate comfort zone.
Being shy and being an introvert aren’t the same thing

When an introvert is being silent, this is totally alright. 
An introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.
You relax and recharge your batteries being by yourself and withdrawing inside your own head.
We can do the extrovert thing, for a while.
An introvert wants to solitude and/or silence to think things through, to daydream, or to relax.
Anything is possible when we spend time alone, and what we create may change our lives, and yours, too.

We hate crowds.
We hate small talk.
We don’t really like networking events. We really don’t like networking events.
It is nearly impossible for an introvert to include herself in groups of people or to just start a random conversation.
I used to believe I had strange, inexplicable over-stimulation issues.

Socializing with the right group can actually offer lots of positive energy to an introvert.
Introverts don’t hate people and we aren’t anti-social.
We like to have fun, too! You’ll probably just see it less often.
When we have the right people in our lives, we give our all. 

An introvert’s mind is very powerful, and quite often an introvert thinks too hard about a situation. This makes it hard to relax and let the good energy flow.
We likely seem like we are moody bastards.
Introverts will dip into the conversation as and when we like but if you try pushing us, you’re just going to make us uncomfortable.